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There are 8 segments that can be delivered flexibly to client needs and preferences.  

e.g. by workshops and  follow up sessions, or a short series of working group meetings, with individuals or teams  

  • What Have you got? Understanding USPs, competition, retailer and shopper

  • Who Are you?  Understanding how to present your company and capability

  • What Price? How to set retail and wholesale pricing and the real cost of product

  • What else might the buyer ask for?  Examining other commercial hurdles

  • What are they really buying?  Understanding the negotiation

  • The first Meeting?  How to get a foot in the door

  • Alternatives?  Some other ways of gaining the business

  • And if it doesn't work this time? Get out unscathed...and get back in again!

JLBS Words
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If you are a brand holder, agent or product manufacturer and want to:

  • 'Tool up' to negotiate with retailers

  • Make sure your product will be listed

  • Get inside the mind of the buyer so that your pitch hits the spot

  • Or if you are a retailer seeking to review range and suppliers

...then 'Gaining Retail Distribution' is for you.

Gaining Retail Distribution

"How do I get more retail distribution for my product?"

"My range would sell like hotcakes in big retailers.

How can I get into more stores?"

"I am in specialist retail - now how to get into big chain stores?"

Prospective clients  ask...

Be Aware...

Of the pitfalls!

What is 'Gaining Retail Distribution' ?

Developed from research and experience, expertise is distilled from retail buyers, suppliers and directors to enable a prospective supplier to understand what makes the optimum, successful pitch, negotiation and agreement....and come out with enough left on the profit line to make it worthwhile.

The Programme

A flexible series of workshops or working sessions for individuals or groups using presentation, discussion and expert support to learn things you need to do to succeed with buyers and evaluate the profit you might make after the negotiation.

Manufacturers and Agents for product are not always aware of everything  that is needed for success in getting powerful retail buyers to take your new products or get them stocked in more stores. Rarely is there no room for a product - if it's right for the market it will sell!


Good products often fail simply because the pitch was not right.  Some achieve shelf space and do not always make a profit because of hidden costs such as  retailers' commercial requirements.

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